Larry Likover, MD—Orthopedic Surgery
The Challenge
Dr. Likover is a leading orthopedic surgeon developing knee replacements. He completed the approved training course for implanting the Oxford™ knee system, mastering the latest techniques to assist his patients with arthritic knee issues. Dr. Likover is considered to be a leader in CustomFit total knee replacement in Texas. A need existed to bring the knowledge of these surgeries to his Middle Eastern clients. TBD provided the translation and localization of his website into Arabic. This is a language that is read from right to left so the website had to be redesigned to fit these specifications.
The Solution
TBD reviewed the English website and had to analyze how to address the complex issues of converting dozens of visual images, multi-level links, and scientific terminology into Arabic. We had to make the website culturally appropriate and sensitive for Middle Eastern viewers and had to internationalize the email software to accept Arabic script.
The Result
We completely reformatted the entire site to enable Arabic-speaking viewers to read about Dr Likover’s specialized CustomFit total knee replacement surgery. TBD formatted all pages so that the Middle Eastern clients could contact the Doctor directly through Skype or email. We registered his site on Google for the Middle East and updated the keywords to increase accessibility to his website for the target audience.